Periodic Table
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The INTERNET Database of Periodic Tables

There are thousands of periodic tables in web space, but this is the only comprehensive database of periodic tables & periodic system formulations. If you know of an interesting periodic table that is missing, please contact the database curator: Mark R. Leach Ph.D.

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Periodic Tables from the year 1933:

1933   Quam's Periodic Chart
1933   Rixon's Diagram of the Periodic Table
1933   Clark's Periodic Arrangement of The Elements
1933   Chicago Museum of Science & Industry Periodic Table
1933   After Crookes: The Periodic Law

Year:  1933 PT id = 60, Type = formulation

Quam's Periodic Chart

From Quam & Quam's 1934 review paper.pdf

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Year:  1933 PT id = 79, Type = formulation

Rixon's Diagram of the Periodic Table

From Quam & Quam's 1934 review paper.pdf

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Year:  1933 PT id = 86, Type = formulation spiral

Clark's Periodic Arrangement of The Elements

Origionally developed in 1933:

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Year:  1933 PT id = 187, Type = formulation 3D

Chicago Museum of Science & Industry Periodic Table

The [Chicago] Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) opened to the public in 1933. The building that the Museum of Science and Industry now occupies however, has a rich history going back to its construction for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition.

The Special Exhibits Hall – Alexander Graham Bell Memorial Suite – had a huge Periodic Table with the ninety-two elements arrayed in colorful and orderly fashion. These "building blocks of the universe" stood beneath the great central dome of the Museum.

Steve Rosengard, Assistant Curator, Collections Department, Museum of Science & Industry writes:

"After doing a bit of digging, it looks as though the original table was in the Great Hall within the Hall of Science at the 1933-34 World's Fair. Because of prior negotiations, virtually everything inside the Hall of Science was designed by MSI draftsmen so that it could be re-used in the Museum afterwards. The records show that MSI took in the table but had it redesigned and rebuilt by Shaw Naess and Murphy (E.M. Weymer Co. was a subcontractor) in 1938-39. One of the pages from the booklet from the Fair states the '[p]]articular credit is extended to Dr. B.S. Hopkins, of the University of Illinois, for assistance in arranging the collection.' The term assistance is a bit misleading because from the other papers in the file, it's very clear that Hopkins basically did the design entirely on his own. In terms of funding, I would assume that Rand McNally made some contribution beyond the loan of the globe on top since it was known as the Rand-McNally Periodic Table, but I have found no records supporting this."

Some historical images are available from the Chicago Postcard Museum.

Thanks to Roy Alexander for the info!

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Year:  1933 PT id = 646, Type = formulation non-chem

After Crookes: The Periodic Law

The Crookes three dimensional periodic table of 1898, here, has been adapted with the addition of two elements 'Adyarium' and 'Occultium' between hydrogen and helium, as presented to Theosophical Society (see bottom right hand corner).

Looking into this, we found the following:


This work contains a record of clairvoyant investigations into the structure of matter. The observations were carried out at intervals over a period of nearly forty years, the first in August 1895 and the last in October 1933. The two investigators, Annie Besant (1847-1933) and C. W. Leadbeater (1847-1934) were trained clairvoyants and well equipped to check and supplement each other's work.

Method of Investigation: The method is unique and difficult to explain. Many have heard of the word "clairvoyance" (clear-seeing), connoting the cognition of sights and sounds not perceived by ordinary people. In India the term Yoga is sometimes related to faculties that are beyond ordinary cognition. It is stated in Indian Yoga that one who has trained himself "can make himself infinitesimally small at will". This does not mean that he undergoes a diminution in bodily size, but only that, relatively, his conception of himself can be so minimized that objects which normally are small appear to him as large. The two investigators had been trained by their Eastern Gurus or Teachers to exercise this unique faculty of Yoga, so that when they observed a chemical atom it appeared to their vision as highly magnified.:

after Crookes

Thanks to Roy Alexander for the tip!

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